A List of Talks Sorted by the Last Name of the Speakers
Name   Armen Nersessian
Talk   Multi-Center MICZ-Kepler System, Supersymmetry and Integrability
Affiliation   Yerevan State University, Armenia
Name   Anatol Odzijewicz
Talk   Banach Geometry of Semiinfinite Toda Lattices
Affiliation   University of Białystok, Poland
Name   Vadim Ohanyan
Talk   Integrability of the Two-Center MICZ-Kepler System
Affiliation   Yerevan Physics Institute, Armenia
Name   Eqab Rabei
Talk   Fractional WKB Approximation
Affiliation   Mutah University, Jordan
Name   Armen Sergeev
Talk   Harmonic Spheres in Loop Spaces of Compact Lie Groups
Affiliation   Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russia
Name   Jan Jerzy Slawianowski
Talk   Search for the Geometrodynamical Gauge Group. Hypotheses and Some Results
Affiliation   Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Poland
Name   Aneta Slizewska
Talk   TBA
Affiliation   University of Białystok, Poland
 9th Conference on Geometry, Integrability and Quantization Page 3
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Last updated:28/05/2007