Diana Stephanova


Address:      Institute of Biophysics,
                   Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
                   Acad. G. Bontchev Str, Bl. 21,
Telephone: +359-2-9792127
Fax:           +359-2-9712493


Education, Experience, Employment:

2004 DSc in Biophysics, Thesis: “Mathematical modeling of the electrogenesis of
myelinated nerve fibres”, Institute of Biophysics, BAS, Sofia
1983 PhD in Biophysics, Thesis: “Mathematical modeling of the processes in the
cell membranes of skeletal muscle fibres”, Department of Automation
of Biological Experiment and Mathematical Modeling, Center of Biology, 
BAS, Sofia
1973 MS in Atomic Physics, Faculty of Physics, Sofia University, Sofia

2008-present Professor, Institute of Biophysics, BAS
1995-2008 Associate Professor, Institute of Biophysics, BAS
1983-1995 Research Associate, Institute of Biophysics, BAS
1978-1983 Research Associate, Department of Automation of Biological Experiment 
and Mathematical Modeling, Center of Biology, BAS, Sofia
1973-1978 Physicist, Faculty of Physics, Sofia University, Sofia

Major Research Interest:   Computational Neuroscience;
Electrogenesis of excitable structures; 
Biophysics of extracellular potential fields;
Mathematical modelling.

International research projects: [1] Project with Institute of Neurology, London, 1989-1991.
Grant G900630 from MRC, London.
National research projects: [1] Project leader of K806/98 National Science Fund, 1998-2001;
[2] Project leader of K447/94 National Science Fund, 1994-1997;
[3] Project of the Program "Investigation of human and his brain", 1984-1990.
Research Awards: Award of the Bulgarian Ministry of Science and Education for essential results in a research project (K-806/98, National Science Fund, 2003).
Expert activities: - Referee for the journals: Biological Cybernetics, Brain;

- Member of Editorial Board of  "Open Cybernetics and Systemics Journal".

Resent International contacts:  M. Hallett, NIH, Bethesda, USA; P. Gatev, Emory University, Atlanta, USA; P. Ivanov, Boston University, Boston, USA; M. Goldfinger, Wright State University, Dayton, USA; R. Dengler, Medical School of Hannover, Hannover, Germany; W. Wolf, University AF, Munich, Germany. 



Stephanova DI, Excitability and Potentials of Human Fibres in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Model Investigations, In Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: New Research, Editors: Murray, Christine A., Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, pp 155-178, 2006

PAPERS: 1-43

Stephanova D, Daskalova M: Differences between the channels, currents and mechanisms of conduction slowing/block and accommodative processes in simulated cases of focal demyelinating neuropathies. Eur. Biophys. J. 37(6):829-842, 2008 

Stephanova D, Daskalova M: Membrane property abnormalities in simulated cases of mild systematic and severe focal demyelinating neuropathies. Eur. Biophys. J. 37(2):183-195, 2008

Stephanova DI, Daskalova M, Alexandrov AS, Channels, currents and mechanisms of accommodative processes in simulated cases of systematic demyelinating neuropathies. Brain Res. 1171:138-151, 2007  

Christova L, Stephanova D, Kossev A: Branched EMG electrodes for stable and selective recording of single motor unit potentials in humans. Biomed. Tech. 52:117-121, 2007

Stephanova DI, Alexandrov AS, Kossev A, Christova L: Simulating focal demyelinating neuropathies: membrane property abnormalities. Biol Cybern. 96:195-208, 2007

Stephanova DI, Alexandrov AS: Simulating mild systematic and focal demyelinating neuropathies: membrane property abnormalities. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 5(4):595-623, 2006

Stephanova DI, Daskalova MS, Alexandrov AS: Differences in Membrane Properties in Simulated Cases of Demyelinating Neuropathies. Internodal Focal Demyelinations with Conduction Block. Journal of Biological Physics, 32:129-144, 2006

Stephanova DI, Daskalova MS, Alexandrov AS: Differences in Membrane Properties in Simulated Cases of Demyelinating Neuropathies: Internodal Focal Demyelinations without Conduction Block. Journal of Biological Physics, 32:61-71, 2006 

Christova L, Angelova P, Kurchatova A, Stephanova D: Muscle functional state assessment by estimation of muscle fiber conduction velocity. Klinische Neurophysiologie, 37(2):138-143, 2006

Stephanova DI, Daskalova M: Differences in potentials and excitability properties in simulated cases of demyelinating neuropathies. Part III. Paranodal internodal demyelination. Clin Neurophysiol, 116(10):2334-2341, 2005  

Stephanova DI, Daskalova M: Differences in potentials and excitability properties in simulated cases of demyelinating neuropathies. Part II. Paranodal demyelination. Clin Neurophysiol, 116(5):1159-1166, 2005  

Stephanova DI, Daskalova M, Alexandrov AS: Differences in potentials and excitability properties in simulated cases of demyelinating neuropathies. Part I. Clin Neurophysiol, 116(5):1153-1158, 2005

Stephanova DI, Daskalova M: Excitability properties of normal and demyelinated human motor nerve axons. Electromyogr clin Neurophysiol, 44:147-152, 2004

Stephanova DI, Daskalova M: Extracellular potentials of myelinated and demyelinated nerve fibres. Electromyogr clin Neurophysiol, 43: 497-501, 2003

Stephanova DI, Daskalova M: Abnormalities in the excitability and potentials of demyelinated human motor fibres. Comptes rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, 56(9):113-118, 2003

Stephanova DI, Daskalova M: Nodal and internodal strength-duration time constants and rheobase currents for human myelinated motor and sensory nerve axons, Comptes rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, 56(10): 113-118, 2003

Stephanova DI, Daskalova M: Extracellular potentials of human motor myelinated nerve fibres in normal case and in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Electromyogr. clin. Neurophysiol., 42:443-448, 2002

Stephanova DI: Myelin as longitudinal conductor: a multi-layered model of the myelinated human motor nerve fibre, Biol Cybern, 84:301-308, 2001

Daskalova M, Stephanova DI: Strength-duration properties of human myelinated motor and sensory axons in normal case and in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Acta Physiol & Pharmacol Bulgarica, 26:11-14, 2001

Stephanva DI, Daskalova M, Kristev I: Excitability changes during the recovery cycle of  human myelinated motor and sensory axons in normal case and in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Acta Physiol & Pharmacol Bulgarica, 26: 41-44, 2001

Stephanova DI and Mileva K: Different effects of blocked potassium channels on action potentials, accommodation, adaptation and anode break excitation in human motor and sensory myelinated nerve fibres: computer simulations, Biol Cybern, 83:161-167, 2000

Stephanova DI and Chobanova M: Action potentials and ionic currents through paranodally demyelinated human motor nerve fibres: computer simulations, Biol Cybern, 76:311-314, 1997

Stephanova DI, Kossev A: Action potentials and ionic currents through internodally demyelinated human motor nerve fibres: computer simulations, Comptes rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, 50(3):107-110, 1997

Stephanova DI and Bostock H: A distributed parameter model of the myelinated human motor nerve fibre : temporal and spatial distributions of electrotonic potentials and ionic currents, Biol. Cybern., 74: 543-547, 1996

Stephanova DI and Bostock H: A distributed parameter model of the myelinated human motor nerve fibre : temporal and spatial distributions of action potentials and ionic currents, Biol. Cybern., 73:275-280, 1995

Stephanova DI: Conduction along myelinated and demyelinated nerve fibres with a reorganized axonal membrane during the recovery cycle: model investigations. Biol. Cybern., 64:129-134, 1990

Gydikov A, Kossev A, Trayanova N, Stephanova DI: Electrotonic potentials of myelinated nerve fibres, Electromyogr. clin. Neurophysiol., 30:47-51, 1990

Stephanova DI: Model investigation of the mechanisms of conductance along excitable fibres in the recovery cycle, Acta Physiol & Pharmacol Bulg, 16:14-17, 1990

Stephanova D: Conduction along myelinated and demyelinated nerve fibres during the recovery cycle: model investigations, Biol. Cybern., 62:83-87, 1989

Stephanova DI,Trayanova N,Gydikov A,Kossev A: Extracellular potentials of a single myelinated nerve fiber in an unbounded volume conductor, Biol. Cybern., 61:205-210, 1989

Stephanova DI: Model investigations of the temperature dependence of demyelinated and reorganized axonal membrane, Biol. Cybern., 60:439-443, 1989 

Stephanova DI: The effect of temperature on a simulated systematically paranodally demyelinated nerve fiber, Biol. Cybern., 60:73-77, 1988 

Stephanova DI: Reorganization of the axonal membrane in a demyelinated nerve fiber: computer simulations, Electromyogr. clin. Neurophysiol., 28:101-105, 1988 

Stephanova DI: Systematic paranodal demyelination of nerve fibers: computer simulations, Elecromyogr. clin. Neurophysiol., 28:107-110, 1988 

Stephanova DI: Mathematical analysis of the changes in the parameters of the action potentials, membrane and ionic currents of frog muscle fibre during the recovery cycle, Biol. Cybern., 57:207-211, 1987 

Stephanova DI, Gydikov A: Mathematical modelling of the changes in the parameters of the action potential of frog muscle fibre at different temperatures, Electromyogr. clin. Neurophysiol., 25:223-232, 1985 

Dimitrov D, Stoicheva N, Stefanova DI: A simple interpolation formula for the rate of approach of particles or cells with tension-controlled shapes at arbitrary separations, J. Coll. Int. Sci., 98:269-271, 1984 

Stephanova DI: Mathematical analysis of the changes in the action potential and ionic currents of frog muscle fibres at different temperatures, Electromyogr. clin. Neurophysiol., 24:599-610, 1984 

Stephanova DI: Mathematical analysis of the changes in the intracellular potentials, generated by a human skeletal muscle in the recovery cycle at the different temperatures, Electromyogr. clin. Neurophysiol., 24:107-115, 1984 

Stephanova DI: Mathematical analysis of the changes in the action potentials, generated by a frog skeletal muscle fibre under the effect of temperature, Electromyogr. clin. Neurophysiol., 24:369-376, 1984 

Stephanova DI, Dimitrov G: Mathematical analysis of the changes in the intracellular potentials, generated by human skeletal muscle fibre under the effect of temperature, Electromyogr. clin. Neurophysiol., 24:377-386, 1984 

Stephanova DI, Dimitrov G: Mathematical analysis of the mechanisms of conductance along excitable fibres in the recovery cycle, Electomyogr. clin. Neurophysiol., 23:35-47, 1983 

Stephanova DI, Dimitrov G: Mathematical modelling of ionic processes in human skeletal muscle fibres,  Electromyogr. clin. Neurophysiol., 22:329-347, 1982

Last modified:  20 February 2008

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