Papers of reasonable size will be considered, provided they are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Two copies of the article should be mailed to one of the Editors whose expertise covers the research topic, and with whom the author can communicate effectively. These copies will be used in the reviewing process and will not be returned. In case of uncertainty the manuscript can be sent directly to the editorial office in Sofia. Submission of a paper presumes that the authors permit editing of the paper for language correctness, readability, and GIQ mathematical style compliance.

All papers should be written in good English, and conform to (La)TeX format. Regarding (La)TeX - the authors should use standard commands, classes and packages as much as possible, and follow closely the instructions listed below. Personal macros should be used only when it is absolutely necessary and have to be placed always in the preamble.

It is assumed that the potential author will find time to read carefully the outcome of the journal's template "giq_sample.tex" LaTex file before starting to prepare his/her paper as it describes in some detail the use of the specially created class file "giq.cls" for processing the articles submitted for publication in GIQ.

The class file, the template and "giq_def.sty" style file which contains some definitions should be placed in the same directory of the computer. All they can be downloaded in the standard way following the above links. The class and style files should not be modified. Sometimes you will need the epstopdf.sty file which has to be placed also in the same directory.

It is highly recommended to all authors to make use of the "giq_sample.tex" file as a template for preparing their contributions. This results in fewer errors in processing and saves authors and editors proofreading times.

The source Latex file and Figures (if any) should be compressed into a single file and sent to

General rules:


The manuscript should be typed using minimal formating.

Do not try to make the print-out look like a typeset page. The more codes and formating an author inserts into his/her files, the more will have to be deleted before the actual design can be applied.

Do not use any macros like Visual Basic from Microsoft Word. Do not justify the text or force hyphenation. Use only one space after a period. Give each table a heading.

The title page should include (if one does not make use of the template):
- the title of the article
- name(s) of the author(s) and address(es) of the institution(s) where the work was carried out
- an abstract of less than 100 words



1) Do not forget to put in the Preamble of your LaTeX file the lines below and make use of these commands where appropriate.

\newcommand{\rd}{\mathrm{d}} % Roman d for differential
\newcommand{\re}{\mathrm{e}} % Roman e for exponential
\newcommand{\ri}{\mathrm{i}} % Roman i for imaginary number
\thinmuskip{;}\mskip6muplus1mu\relax} % This defines the semicolon command

2) Use {\mathbb R}, {\mathbb C}, {\mathbb H}, {\mathbb Z} to denote the real, complex, quaternion and integers, respectively, and {\mathbb R}^n, {\mathbb C}^n, {\mathbb H}^n, {\mathbb Z}^n for spaces built on them. The spheres, projective, Euclidean, Lorentz etc spaces should be denoted in analogous way.


3) Sets, spaces etc. should be introduced in the following format:

U(m,n-m) = \{g \in GL(n,{\mathbb C}) \semicolon g\epsilon g^{\dagger} = \epsilon \}

Please, note the use of semicolon command inside.

4) References should be indicated in the text by square-bracketed numbers and listed in ALPHABETICAL order (by first author) with FULL DETAILS according to the samples given below for a journal article, book and a paper in a proceedings volume:

- journal article:

names and initials of all authors, the full title of the article in italics, title of the journal abbreviated in accordance with international practice, the volume number (in bold), year of publication, first and last page numbers.

\bibitem{pau} Paulsen W.,    {\it What is the Shape of the Mylar Balloon?},  Amer. Math. Monthly {\bf 101} (1994) 953--958.

- book:

names and initials of all authors, the full title in italics, publisher, place, year of publication.

\bibitem{wil} Willmore T., {\it An Introduction to Differential Geometry}, Second Edition, Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford 1982.

- paper in a proceedings volume:

names and initials of all authors, the full title of the article in italics, title of the proceedings volume, editor's name(s), publisher, place, year of publication, first and last page numbers.

\bibitem{zla} Zlatanov S., Grahovski G. and Kostov A.,  {\it Second Order Reductions of $N$-wave Interactions Related to Low--rank Simple Lie Algebras},  In: Geometry, Integrability and Quantization, I. Mladenov and G. Naber (Eds),   Coral Press,  Sofia 2000,   pp 55--77.

5) Upon acceptance of the article the source and pdf files of the final version of the manuscript should be sent to the Editor in Sofia (prepared following the abovementioned rules!!) . The figure file(s) (if any), should be compressed together into a single file.


Author Benefits


There are no page charges. Publishing in Geometry, Integrability and Quantization is free except when the author cannot provide the electronic file(s) in the appropriate format(s). The Paper Processing Fee in this case is €20 per page plus €15 transfer tax which have to be transferred to the
following bank account.

Geometry, Integrability and Quantization is a delayed Open Access journal which means that affter 5 years embargo period the published articles in it become freely available to the public.

Those of the authors who want that their papers being released earlier have to pay a fee. At this moment the fee for the Open Access amounts to 300 Euro per paper which has to be transferred to the following bank account.

Design by M.Hadzhilazova, E-mail:  All rights reserved. Last update: June 13, 2019.