Vladimir Aleksandrov
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Vladimir Aleksandrovhttps://www.researchgate.net/profile/Vladimir_Aleksandrov Address: |
Work Experience
Assistant: Bulgarian Academy of Science, Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics (IPPG), Laboratory “Photosynthesis – Activity and Regulation”;
Acad. G. Bonchev Street, Bldg. 21; 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Teacher of Physics and Mathematics: Professional high school “Velizar Peev”; “Otec Paisii” str. 9; Svoge; Bulgaria, 2003-2006;
IT support: Gigabyte LtD, Svoge, Bulgaria; 2006-2008;
Teacher of Mathematics: Professional high school “Velizar Peev”; “Otec Paisii” str. 9; Svoge; Bulgaria; 2008-2009
Teacher of Physics and Mathematics: Professional high school” Nikola Korchev”; Ilienski blv. 2; Sofia; Bulgaria; 2011;
Teacher of Physics; 133 High School „Aleksander Pushkin“, “Tzar Ivan Shishman” str.1; Sofia, Bulgaria; 2013-2014;
Teacher of mathematics; Sofia High School of Mathematics “Paisii Hilendarski” Sofia, Bulgaria; 2016 – 2017
Doctor of Philosophy, Biophysics, Faculty of Biology, Sofia University “Saint Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria; January 2011-May 2016
Thesis title: “Using mathematical approaches to analyze the stress reactions of the photosynthetic apparatus in higher plants”, supervisor: Prof. Vasilij Goltsev,PhD
Master in Mathematics, Applied mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics; Sofia University “Saint Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria 2008-2010
Thesis title:” Deterministic mathematical models in biology”, supervisor: Associate Professor Toshko Boev, PhD
Master in Physics, Geophysics, Faculty of Physics; Sofia University “Saint Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria 2007-2009
Thesis title:””Changes in solar-terrestrial energy balance due to solar activity, exciting 11-year fluctuations in the rotation of the Earth”, supervisor: Associate Professor Yavor Chapanov,PhD
Bachelor of Science, Physics and Mathematics, Faculty of Physics; Sofia University “Saint Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria 2003-2007
Job-related skills: Neural Networks development, Deterministic and non-Deterministic Mathematical models in Biology, Statistical analysis, Differential equations, Programing, Molecular Dynamics, Monte Carlo methods, Fourier analyses, Bayesian analysis, Fractal analysis, Functional analysis, Algorithms;
Computer skills: Perfect work with Microsoft Office™ tools; Adobe Photoshop, Corel Drow, Linux, Windows, Matlab, Wofram Mathematica, MS SQL, VB, SygmaPlot, STATISTICA, SAS, COMSOL Multiphysics, #C,#C++,Python,Pearl.
Member of MENSA Bulgaria, driving licence B.
Awards, Distinctions and Fellowships
Second award of poster session in International Conference “Bioscience – development and new opportunities” – KLIMENT’S DAYS, Sofia, Bulgaria, 20th – 22nd November 2013 with poster: “Effect of deficiency of macro- and micro-elements K, Ca and Fe in nutrient medium on photosynthesis in bean and maize plants analyzed by luminescent method”
Publications, Presentations and Abstracts
- Vasilij Goltsev, Ivelina Zaharieva, Petko Chernev, Margarita Kouzmanova, Hazem M. Kalaji, Ivan Yordanov, Vasilena Krasteva, Vladimir Alexandrov, Detelin Stefanov, Suleyman I. Allakhverdiev, Reto J. Strasser (2012) Drought-induced modifications of photosynthetic electron transport in intact leaves: Analysis and use of neural networks as a tool for a rapid non-invasive estimation. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (2012), 1817: 1490-1498.
- Hazem Kalaji, Abdallah Oukarroum, Vladimir Alexandrov, Margarita Kouzmanova , Marian Brestic, Marek Zivcak, Izabela A. Samborska, Magdalena D. Cetner , Suleyman I. Allakhverdiev, Vasilij Goltsev (2014) “Identification of nutrient deficiency in maize and tomato plants by in vivo chlorophyll a fluorescence measurements” Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
- Krasteva Vassilena, Alexandrov Vladimir, Chepisheva Mariya, Dambov Shterjan, Stefanov Detelin, Yordanov Ivan, Goltsev Vasilij (2012) Drought induced damages of photosynthesis in bean and plantain plants analyzed in vivo by chlorophyll a fluorescence. B J Agricultural Science
- Vladimir Aleksandrov, Vasilena Krasteva, Momchil Paunov, Maria Chepisheva and Vasilij Goltsev (2014) „Deficiency of nutrient elements in bean and maize plants analyzed by luminescent method“ Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science.
Izabela A. Samborska, Vladimir Alexandrov, Leszek Sieczko, Bożena Kornatowska, Vasilij Goltsev, and Hazem M. Kalaji; “Artificial neural networks and their application in biological and agricultural researches”. Review Article in NanoPhotoBioSciences (2014)
Piotr Dąbrowsk, Aneta Baczewska, Bogumiła Pawluśkiewicz, Momchil Paunov, Valdimir Alexantrov, Vasilij Goltsev, Hazem Kalaji (2016) “Prompt chlorophyll a fluorescence as a rapid tool for diagnostic changes in PSII structure inhibited by salt stress in Perennial ryegrass” JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY. B, BIOLOGY
D.Cetner,H.M.Kalaji,V.Goltsev,V.Aleksandrov,K.Kowalczyk,W.Borucki, A.Jajoo (2017); “Effects of nitrogen-deficiency on efficiency of light-harvesting apparatus in radish”; Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
Hazem Kalaji, Abdallah Oukarroum, Vladimir Alexandrov, Margarita Kouzmanova , Marian Brestic, Marek Zivcak, Izabela A. Samborska, Magdalena D. Cetner , Suleyman I. Allakhverdiev, Vasilij Goltsev Effects of nutrient deficiency on photosynthetic traits of maize and tomato plants monitored by the kinetics of delayed chlorophyll a fluorescence and modulated 820 nm reflection (in preparation)
List of scientific conferences
- 5th International Workshop & Summer School on Plasma Physics 25-30 june 2012 Kiten Bulgaria.
Vladimir Alexandrov, Stanislav Zapryanov, Vasilij Goltsev, Metody Gelev,Alexander Blagoev. “Influence of The Plasma Focus X-ray radiation on the Photosynthetic mechanism of bean leavs.” Poster
- International Conference “Bioscience – development and new opportunities” Kliment’s Days, Sofia, Bulgaria, 20th – 22 nd November 2013
Vladimir Aleksandrov, Vasilena Krasteva, Momchil Paunov, Maria Chepisheva, Vasilji Goltsev “Effect of deficiency of macro- and micro-elements K, Ca and Fe in nutrient medium on photosynthesis in bean and maize plants analyzed by luminescent method” Poster.
- International Conference “Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability” – Baku, Azerbaijan, from July 24 to 30, 2011
Goltsev V., Zaharieva I., Chernev P., Kouzmanova M., Yordanov I., Krasteva V., Alexandrov V., Strasser R.J. “Drought-induced modifications of the photosynthetic electron transport in intact leaves: analysis and a tool for a rapid non-invasive estimation” Poster
- Seminar of ecology 2012. 26-27 April 2012 г. Sofia, Bulgaria
Detelin Stefanov, Maya Kurteva, Mariana Merakchijska, Tsonko Tsonev,Vasilena Krasteva, Vladimir Alexandrov, Margarita Kouzmanova, Vasilij Goltsev “Photosynthetic adaptation to changes in light environment in sun and shade plants.” Scientific paper
Mariya Chepisheva, Vasilena Krasteva, Vladimir Alexandrov, Reto J. Strasser, Vasilij Goltsev “Biophysical phenotyping of photosynthetic machinery – an approach for estimation of plant physiological state and stress reaction at in vivo conditions.” Poster
- Scientific Conference Kliment’s Days, Sofia, Bulgaria, 20th – 22 nd November 2012
Vassilena Krasteva, Vladimir Alexandrov, Mariya Chepisheva, Shterjan Dambov, Detelin Stefanov, Ivan Yordanov, Vasilij Goltsev. “Drought induced damages of photosynthetic machinery in Phaseolus vulgaris and Plantago major L. plants analysed by simultaneously recorded prompt and delayed chlorophyll a fluorescence inductions” Poster.
- Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability-2014″ June 2-7, 2014, Pushchino, Russiain, honor of Vladimir A. Shuvalov; International meeting.
Vasilij Goltsev, Stella Dimitrova, Kolyo Dankov, Vladimir Aleksandrov, Vasilena Krasteva, Momchil Paunov, Hazem M. Kalaji, Reto J. Strasser.
Application of Biophysical luminescence methods for plant phenotyping. Poster
- Scientific Conference Plant Physiology and Genetics, Achievements and Challenges 24–26 September 2014, Sofia, Bulgaria
Vasilij Goltsev, Stella Dimitrova, Kolyo Dankov, Vladimir Aleksandrov, Vasilena Krasteva, Momchil Paunov, Hazem M. Kalaji, Merope Tsimilli-Michael, Reto J. Strasser. Application of luminescence methods for monitoring of plant phisiology state. Abstract
“A NON-DESTRUCTIVE RECOGNITION OF NITROGEN DEFICIENCY IN RADISH PLANTS” Cetner M. D., Kalaji H. M., Kowalczyk K., Alexandrov V., Goltsev V. Poster