We offer

Expression of Interest – Individual Fellowships, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (IPPG-BAS-2017.PDF)

Scientific Service
  • Identification of genes, engaged in plant development and stress resistance control;
  • Protein and non-protein markers for assessment of resistance/sensibility to abiotic stress;
  • Analysis of CO2 assimilation rate, oxygen evolution rate, electron transport through PS1 and PS2and cyclic electron-transport flow, the activity of antioxidative enzymes, changes in protein and lipid contents of photosynthetic membranes for assessment of the effect of abiotic stress factors;
  • Methods for improvement of selection regarding the effectiveness of nutrition, water exchange and quality of economically important cultivars;
  • Phytoremediation of contaminated soil and water using new cultivated and medicinal plant lines potentially capable of heavy metals accumulation;
  • Non-invasive optical methods for registration of early symptoms of plant stress;
  • Molecular basis of mutant genetic diversity and mechanisms for maintaining of genome integrity in wheat cultivars;
  • New synthetic or natural biologically-active substances with a selective activity and specific applications;
  • Mechanisms of action of new ecologically friendly biologically-active substances;
  • Synthesis of new generation plant regulators (nanobio substances), applicable in sustainable agriculture;
  • Molecular-genetic mechanisms of socially significant human diseases.

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