History of IPPG

The Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics (IPPG) was established within the Structural Reconstruction in the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) in 2010, as a successor of the former Institute of Plant Physiology „Acad. Metodi Popov” and the Institute of Genetics „Acad. Doncho Kostoff”.

The Institute of Plant Physiology „Acad. Metodi Popov” (IPP) is a successor and continuator of the Institute of General Biology founded in 1948 by the famous Bulgarian scientist Acad. Metodi Popov. In 1953, the Department of Agrobiology was separated as an Institute of Plant Growing at BAS (later the Institute of Genetics „Acad. Doncho Kostoff”), and in 1954 the Department of Forest Biology founded the Institute of Forestry. Since 1954, the Institute was renamed to Institute of Biology „Acad. M. Popov”, and in 1961 on the basis of the Department of Cytology, a Central laboratory of biochemistry at BAS originated, later forming the Institute of Molecular Biology. In 1964, a Central laboratory of Biophysics at BAS was separated from the Institute, later forming the Institute of Biophysics.

The Institute of Genetics „Acad. Doncho Kostoff” is a successor of the Central Agricultural Research Institute founded in 1910 and of the Institute of Applied Biology and Development of Organisms at BAS founded in 1947 and reformed in 1952 as an Institute of Agrobiology. In 1955, the two Institutes merged into a Central Research Institute of Plant Growing, which in 1961 was transferred to the Academy of Agricultural Sciences as an Institute of Plant Growing. In 1966, the Institute of Plant Genetics and Breeding was established, which is considered as the birth date of the Institute of Genetics “Acad. D. Kostoff”. In 1976 the Institute of Plant Genetics and Breeding was renamed to Institute of Genetics (IG), which since 1987 was named after the world-famous Bulgarian geneticist Acad. Doncho Kostoff. During its development, the Institute of Genetics gave rise to the origination of the Institute of Plant Resources and the AgroBioInstitute at the Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

Since the merging of IPP and IG in 2010, the founded IPPG as a continuator of the traditions and the authority of these two key to the development of plant biology in Bulgaria institutions, was assigned to become a national coordinating centre for fundamental and applied research and training in the field of plant physiology, biochemistry and genetics.

Scientific staff: a total of 79 scientists, of which 12 Professors, 19 Associate Professors, 24 Assistant Professors, 24 Research Associates. Three scientists have DrSc degree and 34 – PhD.

Information service: the institute has on its disposal 2 libraries, one situated in the 4th km building, and the other – in the 13th km building. The first library has a fund of 14 243 issues, including 5 398 Monographs, 8494 Periodicals и 351 Special publications. The library based on the 13th km has a fund of 27 069 issues, including 10 625 Monographs, 15 995 Periodicals и 401 Special publications.

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Acad. G. Bonchev Street, Bldg. 21
1113 Sofia, Bulgaria

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Fax: +359 2 8739952