Секция Молекулярна биология на растителния стрес

Ръководител: Ст. н. с. I ст., Дбн Климентина Демиревска

1946 Родена на 17 август, Дупница
1970 Диплома, Софийски Университет, Биологически ф-т
1978 Д-р, ИФР - БАН
1986 Старши научен сътрудник, ИФР - БАН
2002 Дбн, ИФР - БАН
2004 Ръководител на лаборатория
2007 Ръководител на секция
Тел.: +359-2-979-2677
E-поща: klimdemi@yahoo.com

Област на научни изследвания

Секцията по Молекулярна биология на растителния стрес е създадена през 2007 г. като резултат на обединяването на лабораторията по Молекулярна биология на растителния стрес със секция Геномика и протеомика.

Бъдещите изследвания ще бъдат насочени към:

Област на научни изследвания



Важни постижения

Разработвани научни проекти


В секцията 'Молекулярна биология на стреса' работят 12 души: 1 ст. н. с. І ст. дбн; 1 ст. н. с. ІІ ст. д-р; 2 н. с. І ст. д-р; 2 докторанти; 6 специалисти с висше образование.

За контакт изберете (02)-979- и съответния номер:

Име, титла
Професионални интереси
Климентина Демиревска
Ст. н. с. І ст., дбн

2611 или 2681
Абиотичен стрес, Рубиско, Рубиско свързващ белтък, Рубиско активаза, стрес индуцируеми белтъци.
Иванка Федина
Ст. н. с. ІІ ст., д-р

2620 или 3682
UV-B стрес, солеви стрес, физиологични и биохимични маркери при абиотичен стрес.

Людмила Симова-Стоилова
Н. с. І ст., д-р

2616 или 2681
Стрес-индуцирано стареене, окси-дантен стрес, протеази, експресия на стрес индуцируеми белтъци.

Ирина Васева
Н. с. І ст., д-р

2677 или 2691
Цитокининов метаболизъм, експресия на стрес-индуцируеми белтъци.
Биляна Григорова
Н. с. ІІІ ст., докторант
Термошокови белтъци, засушаване, високотемпературен стрес, експресия на стрес индуцируеми белтъци.
Кирил Мишев
Н. с. ІІІ ст.
Естествено и индуцирано стареене, транскрипция на хлоропластния геном
Светла Събева
Специалист-биолог, докторант
Антиоксидантни ензими и генна експресия в прорастващи семена в норма и стрес.
Бистра Юперлиева-Матеева

Лабораторни анализи.
Анелия Костадинова

Лабораторни анализи.
Лили Димова
Лабораторни анализи.
Иван Тодоров
Лабораторни анализи.

Роза Ненкова

Лабораторни анализи.

Избрани публикации

Demirevska K., Zasheva D., Dimitrov R., Simova-Stoilova L., Stamenova M., Feller U. (2009) - Drought stress effects on Rubisco in wheat: changes in the Rubisco large subunit. Acta Physiol. Plantarum, 31: 1129-1138.
Georgiev, M., Abrashev R., Krumova E., Demirevska K., Ilieva M., Angelova M. (2009) - Rosmarinic acid andantioxidant enzyme activities in Lavandula vera MM cell suspension  cultures: A comparative study. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 159: 415-425.
Fedina, I., Georgieva K., Velitchkova M., Nedeva D., Chakirlar H.(2009) - UV-B response of etiolated and greening barley seedlings. Acta Biologica Hungarica  60: 195-210.
Fedina, I., Nedeva D., Georgieva K., Velitchkova M.(2009) - Methyl jasmonate counteract UV-B stress in barley seedlings – J. Agron. Crop Science 195: 204-219.
Fedina, I., Nedeva, D., Cicek  N. (2009) - Pre-treatment with H2O2 induces salt tolerance in barley seedlings – Biologia Plantarum, 53 (2): 321-324.
Fedina, I.S. and Velitchkova M. Y. (2009) - Physiological responses of higher plants to UV-B radiation – review in the book Climate change and crops, Series: Environmental Science and Engineering, Singh, S.N. (Ed.), Springer, Germany, 283-307.
Mishev K., Stefanov D., Ananieva K., Slavov C., Ananiev E.D. (2009) - Different effects of dark treatment on pigment composition and photosystem I and II activities in intact cotyledons and primary leaves of Cucurbita pepo (zucchini). Plant Growth Regulation, 58: 61-71.
Simova-Stoilova L., Demirevska K., Petrova T., Tsenov N., Feller U. (2009)  Antioxidative protection and proteolytic activity in tolerant and sensitive wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties subjected to long-term field drought, Plant Growth Regulation 58 (1), 107-117.
Vaseva I., Todorova D., Malbeck J., Travničkova A., Machačkova I. (2009) Mild temperature stress modulates cytokinin content and cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase activity in young pea plants. Acta Agronomica Hungarica 57(1), 33–40.
Vassileva V., Simova-Stoilova L., Demirevska K., Feller U. (2009) Variety-specific response of wheat leaf mitochondria to drought stress. J Plant Res., 122 (4): 445-454.

In press:
Demirevska-Kepova K., Simova-Stoilova L., Fedina I., Georgieva K., Kunert K. Response of Transformed with Oryzacystatin I Tobacco Plants to Drought, Heat and Light Stress. J. Agr. Crop Sci. (in press), DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-037X.2009.00396
Grigorova B. Review Plant heat shock proteins as molecular  chaperones in normal and stress conditions. In:  Handbook of Molecular Chaperones: Roles, Structures and Mechanisms. Nova Science Publishers Ltd.(in press). 
Grigorova B., Vaseva I. , Demirevska K., Feller U. Combined drought and heat stress in wheat: changes in some heat shock proteins. Biologia Plantarum (under revision), 2009.
Fedina, I., Hidema J., Velitchkova M., Georgieva K., Nedeva D.- UV-B induced stress responses in three rice cultivars Biologia Plantarum (in press).
Simova L., Vaseva I., Grigorova B., Demirevska K., Feller U. Proteolytic activity and cysteine protease expression in wheat leaves under severe soil drought and recovery. Plant Physiol. Biochem. doi:10.1016/j.plaphy.2009.11.003  (in press).  
Vaseva I., Grigorova B., Simova-Stoilova L., Demirevska K., Feller U. Abscisic acid and LEA profile changes in winter wheat under progressive drought stress. Plant Biol. (in press), DOI: 10.1111/j.1438-8677.2009.00269.x  2009.

Demirevska K., L. Simova-Stoilova, V.Vassileva, I. Vaseva, B. Grigorova, U. Feller (2008) - Drought induced leaf protein alterations in sensitive and tolerant wheat varieties. General and Applied Plant Physiology, Special Issue 34 (1-2) 79-102.
U. Feller, I. Anders, K. Demirevska (2008) - Degradation of Rubisco and other chloroplast proteins under abiotic stress. General and Applied Plant Physiology, Special Issue 34 (1-2) 5-18.
Demirevska K., L. Simova-Stoilova, V. Vassileva, Urs Feller (2008) - Drought response of Rubisco and some ATP-dependent chaperone proteins in wheat plants”. Plant Growth Regulation 56:97–106.
Nuran Cicek, Husnu Chakirlar, Ivanka Fedina, Katya Georgieva, Maya Velitchkova (2008) - NaCl Induced Cross-Acclimation to UV-B Radiation in Four Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Cultivars. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 30:561–567.
Ivanka S. Fedina, Maya Y. Velitchkova (2008) - Physiological responses of higher plants to UV-B radiation – review in the book Climate change and crops, Springer Germany.
Sabeva S., D. Nedeva (2008) - Antioxidant enzymes in germinating wheat seeds as affected by dehydration stress, ABA and hydrogen peroxide. Acta Agronomica Hungarica 56, 2, 113-127.
Simova-Stoilova L., K. Demirevska, T. Petrova, N. Tsenov, U. Feller (2008) - Antioxidative protection in wheat varieties under severe recoverable drought at seedling stage. Plant Soil and Environment 54, (12): 529–536.
Vaseva I., D. Todorova, J. Malbeck, Trávníčková A., Macháčková I. (2008) - Response of cytokinin pool and cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase activity to abscisic acid exhibits organ specificity in peas. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 30, (2) 151-155.
Kirova E., Tzvetkova N., Vaseva I., Ignatov G. (2008) - Photosynthetic responses of nitrate-fed and nitrogen-fixing soybeans to progressive water stress. Journal of Plant Nutrition 31: 445–458.
Ananieva K., Ananiev E.D., Mishev K., Georgieva K., Tzvetkova N., van Staden J. (2008) - Changes in photosynthetic capacity and polypeptide patterns during natural senescence and rejuvenation of Cucurbita pepo L. (zucchini) cotyledons. Plant Growth Regulation, 54: 23-29.
Todorova D., D. Nedeva, R. Abrashev, K. Tsekova (2008) - Cd (II) stress response during the growth of Aspergillus niger B.47. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 104: 178-184.
Georgiev, M., R. Abrashev, E. Krumova, K. Demirevska, M. Ilieva, M. Angelova (2008) - Rosmarinic acid andantioxidant enzyme activities in Lavandula vera MM cell suspension cultures: A comparative study. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology (in press).
Ivanka Fedina, Katya Georgieva, Maya Velitchkova, Dimitrina Nedeva, Husnu Chakirlar (2008) - UV-B response of etiolated and greening barley seedlings. Acta Bilogica Hungarica (in press).
Fedina, I., Nedeva, D., Nuran Cicek (2008) - Pre-treatment with H2O2 induces salt tolerance in barley seedlings. Biol.Plantarum (in press).
Bacalova S., D. Nedeva, J. McKee (2008) - Protein profiles in wheat seedlings subjected to dehydration stress. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 5, 2 (in press).
Mishev K, D. Stefanov, K. Ananieva, Ch. Slavov, E.D. Ananiev (2008) - Different effects of dark treatment on pigment composition and photosystem I and II activities in intact cotyledons and primary leaves of Cucurbita pepo (zucchini). Plant Growth Regulation (in press).
Simova-Stoilova L., K. Demirevska, T. Petrova, N. Tsenov and U. Feller (2008) - Response of Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Varieties to Field Drought: Leaf Antioxidative Protection and Proteolytic Activity in Relation to Yield. Plant Growth Regulation (in press).

Fedina I., K. Georgieva, M. Velitchkova, K. Demirevska, L. Simova (2007) - UV-B induced compounds in green and etiolated barley seedlings. Biol. Plantarum 51:699-706.
Gorinova N., M. Nedkovska, E. Todorovska, L. Simova-Stoilova, Z. Stoyanova, K. Georgieva, K. Demirevska-Kepova, A. Atanassov, R. Herzig (2007) - Improved phytoaccumulation of cadmium by genetically modified tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum L.). Physiological and biochemical response of the transformants to cadmium toxicity. Environmental Pollution 145, 161-170.
Todorova D., Vaseva I., Malbeck J., Trávníčková A., Macháčková I., Karanov E. (2007) - Cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase activity as a tool in gibberellic acid/cytokinin cross talk. Biol. Plantarum 51 (3): 579-583.
Ananieva K., Ananiev E.D., Mishev K., Georgieva K, Malbeck J., Kaminek M., van Staden J. (2007) - Methyl jasmonate is a more effective senescence-promoting factor in Cucurbita pepo (zucchini) cotyledons when compared with darkness at the early stage of senescence. Journal of Plant Physiology, 164: 1179-1187.

Doncheva, S., Z. Stoyanova, K. Georgieva, D. Nedeva, R. Dikova, G. Zafirov, A. Nikolova (2006) - Exogenous succinate increases resistance of maize plants to copper stress. J. Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 169 (2), pp. 247-254.
Fedina, I. S., K. Georgieva, Velitchkova, M , I. Grigorova (2006) - Effect of pretreatment of barley seedlings with different salts on the level of UV-B induced and UV-B absorbing compounds compounds as affected by proline and NaCl in Hordeum vulgare L., cv. Alfa. Environ. Exp. Botany 56: 225-230.
Hassan, E., Fedina, I.S., El-Awadi, M.E. (2006) - New pyrimidine derivatives as modulators of plant response to salinity of NaCl. Egyptian Journal of Applied Sciences 27: 21-29.
Fedina I., E. Hasan, K. Georgieva, M. Velitchkova, I. Grigorova (2006) - Effect of chloramphenicol and cycloheximide on the level of UV-B induced compounds in barley seedlings. Egyptian Journal of Applied Sciences, 21:17-29.
Fedina I., Esmat Hasan, Katya Georgieva, Maya Velitchkova, Irena Grigorova (2006) - Effect of chloramphenicol and cycloheximide on the level of UV-B induced compounds in barley seedlings. Egyptian Journal of Applied Sciences, 21:17-29.
Demirevska-Kepova K., L. Simova-Stoilova, Z. Stoyanova, U. Feller (2006) - Cadmium stress in barley: growth, leaf pigment and protein composition and detoxification of reactive oxygen species. J. Plant Nutrition 29, 3, 451-458.
Simova-Stoilova L., V. Vassileva, T. Petrova, N. Tsenov, K. Demirevska, U. Feller (2006) - Proteolytic activity in wheat leaves during drought stress and recovery. General and Applied Plant Physiology Special Issue, 32 (1-2), 91-100.
Vaseva-Gemisheva I., Todorova D., Malbeck J., Travnickova A., Machackova I., Karanov E. (2006) - Cytokinin pool dynamic changes and distribution of cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase activity in peas in relation to developmental senescence. Comp. Rend. Bulg. Acad. Sci. 59 (1): 65-70.
Vaseva-Gemisheva I., D. Todorova, E. Karanov. (2006) - Influence of ethylene releasing agent ethrel on cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase activity in tissues of Pisum sativum. Comp. Rend. Bulg. Acad. Sci. 59 (3): 301-304.
Vaseva I., Todorova D., Malbeck J., Trávníčková A., Machackova I., Karanov E. (2006) - Two pea varieties differ in cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase response to UV-B radiation. General and Applied Plant Physiol, Special Issue – PROCEEDINGS OF THE WORKSHOP ON SUSTAINABILITY, STRESS AND THE BASES OF PLANT RESISTANCE Acad. M. Popov Institute of Plant Physiology 8 September, 2006, Sofia, Bulgaria, 131-138.
Todorova D., Vaseva-Gemisheva I., Petrov P., Stoynova-Bakalova E., Alexieva V., Karanov E., Smith A., Hall M. (2006) - Cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase (CKX) activity in wild and ethylene-insensitive mutant eti5 type of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh plants and the effect of cytokinin N1-(2-chloro-4-pyridyl)-N2-phenylurea on enzymatic activity and leaf morphology. Acta Physiol. Plantarum 28 (6): 613-617.
Mishev K., Denev I., Radeva G. and Ananiev E.D. (2006) - RNA transcription in isolated chloroplasts during senescence and rejuvenation of intact cotyledons of Cucurbita pepo L. (zucchini). Comptes rendus de l’Academie Bulgare des Sciences, 59: 1287-1293.

Fedina I. S., Velitchkova, M., K. Georgieva, I. Grigorova (2005) - UV-B induced compounds as affected by proline and NaCl in Hordeum vulgare L., cv. Alfa. Environ. Experimental Botany, 54:182-191.
Stefanov B., N. Popova., L. Iliev (2005) - Influence of low temperature treatment on growth and protein composition of young maize seedlings grown in the presence of calcium ions and benzylaminopurine. Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci. 58, 2, 89-93.
Nedeva, D., S. Petkova, Y. Angelova, L. Iliev (2005) - The effect of plant growth regulators and chlorsulfuron on electrophoretic profiles of soluble proteins, polypeptides and antioxidant enzymes in maize seedlings. Plant Soil and Environment, 51, 2, 87-93.
Kirova, E., D. Nedeva, A. Nikolova, G. Ignatov (2005) - Changes in the liomass production and total soluble protein spectra of nitrate–fed and nitrogen – fixing soybeans subjected to gradual water stress. Plant, Soil and Environment, 51, (5), 237-242.
Bakalova, S., D. Nedeva (2005) - Effect of dehydration and oxidative stress on protein and polypeptide profiles in germinating wheat seeds. Compt. Rend. Bulg. Acad. Sci., 58 (8) 957-962.
Mincheva, J., D. Nedeva, E. Ananiev (2005) - Effect of abscisic acid, methyl esther of jasmonic acid and benzyladenine on isoenzyme spectra of peroxidase, catalase and superoxide dismutase in young seedlings of Cucurbita pepo L. (Zucchini). Annuaire d’Universite de Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Biochimie, Biophysique, Biologie moleculaire et Genetique, Microbiologie et Physiologie, V. 96, 1-4, 205-215.
Demirevska-Kepova K., R. Hölzer, L. Simova-Stoilova, U. Feller (2005) - Heat stress effects on Rubisco, Rubisco binding protein and Rubisco activase in wheat leaves. Biologia Plantarum 49 (4): 521-525.
Vaseva-Gemisheva, I., D. Lee, E. Karanov (2005) - Response of cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase expression and specific activity to drought stress and herbicide treatments in pea leaves. Plant Growth Regul., 46: 199-208.
Vaseva-Gemisheva I., Sergiev I., Todorova D., Alexieva V., Stanoeva E., Lachkova V., Karanov E. (2005) - Antagonistic effects of triazolo[4,5-d]pyrimidine and pyridylurea derivatives on cytokinin-induced cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase activity in young pea plants. Plant Growth Regul. 46: 193-197.
Gemishev O., Vaseva I., Atev A. (2005) - Abscisic acid and ethylen influence on endo-1,4-Β-glucanase activity in Trichoderma reesei I-27. Biotech&Biotech. Equip. 19 (3):106-112.
Todorova D., Genkov T., Vaseva-Gemisheva I., Alexieva V., Karanov E., Smith A., Hall M. (2005) - Effect of temperature stress on the endogenous cytokinin content in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heyn plants. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 27 (1): 13-18.
Mishev K., Todorov I., and Ananiev E.D. (2005) - Senescence and rejuvenation in intact cotyledons of Cucurbita pepo L. (zucchini). General and Applied Plant Physiology, 31: 15-27.

Kirova, E., D. Nedeva, Ven. Georgieva, A. Nikolova, G. Ignatov (2004) - Changes in the biomass production and polypeptide spectra of nitrate-fed and nitrogen-fixing soybeans subjected to gradual water stress. Ecology and Future, vol. III. 2, 8-13.
Kirova, E., D. Nedeva, A. Nikolova, G. Ignatov (2004) - Changes in the electrophoretic spectra of some antioxidant enzymes in nitrate fed andnitrogen fixing soybeans subjected to gradual water stress. Acta Agronomica Hungarica, 52(4), pp. 323-332.
Bakalova S., A. Nikolova, D. Nedeva (2004) - Isoenzyme profiles of peroxidase, catalase and superoxide dismutase as affected by dehydration stress and ABA during germination of wheat seeds. Bulg. J. Plant Physiol. 30 (1-2), 78-88.
Fedina I. S., K. Georgieva, I. Grigorova (2004) - Response of barley seedlings to UV-B radiation as affected by proline and NaCl. Biol. Plantarum 47: 549-554.
Demirevska-Kepova K., U. Feller (2004) - Heat sensitivity of Rubisco, Rubisco activase and Rubisco binding protein in higher plants (Review). Acta Physiol. Plantarum, 26 (1): 103-114.
Demirevska-Kepova K., L. Simova-Stoilova, Z. Stoyanova, R. Hölzer, U. Feller (2004) - Biochemical changes in barley plants after excessive supply of copper and manganese. Environmental Experimental Botany, 52 (3): 253-266.
Simova-Stoilova L., K. Demirevska-Kepova, Z. Stoyanova (2004) - Antioxidative protection in the leaves of dark-senescing intact barley seedlings. Acta Physiol. Plantarum, 27 (3B): 349-356.
Stoyanova Z., Simova-Stoilova L., K. Demirevska-Kepova (2004) -. Effect of Cd toxicity on growth parameters, photosynthetic pigments, H2O2 accumulation and oxidative damage to proteins in young barley plants. Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 57 (8): 27-32.
Simova-Stoilova L., Z. Stoyanova, K. Demirevska-Kepova (2004) - Effect of Cd toxicity on the levels of some antioxidant enzymes and compounds in the leaves of young barley plants. Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 57 (8):45-50.
Vaseva-Gemisheva I., Lee D., Alexieva V., Karanov E. (2004) - Cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase in Pisum sativum plants during vegetative development. Influence of UV-B irradiation and high temperature on the enzymatic activity. Plant Growth Regul., 42
Gemishev O., Vaseva I., Galabova D., Bankova T., Ilieva S. (2004) - Study of indol-3-acetic acid, isopentenyl adenine and abscisic acid effects over cellulase production in Trihoderma reesei strain I-27. Annuaire de l’Université de Sofia “St. Kl. Ohridski”, vol. 96, livre 4 - 10 Session Scientifique Sofia '03, partie 1, pp 395 – 401.
Doltchinkova V., Georgieva K., Traytcheva N., Slavov Ch., and Mishev K. (2004) - Melittin-induced changes in thylakoid membranes: particle electrophoresis and light scattering study. Biophysical Chemistry, 109: 387-397.
Doltchinkova V., Slavov Ch., and Mishev K. (2004) - Effect of bee venom melittin on biological membranes II. The effect of neutral pH on light scattering of thylakoid membranes in the presence of melittin. Annuaire de l'Universite de Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski", 96: 245-252.

Petkova S. G., Popova N.I., Angelova Y.M., Stefanov B.J., Iliev L.K. (2003) - Inhibitory effect of some plant growth regulators and chlorsulfuron on growth, protein composition and proteolytic activity of maize seedlings. Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment 17 (2), pp. 77-83.
Popova N. I., Petkova S.G., Stefanov B.J., Angelova Y.M., Iliev L. K. (2003) - Influence of jasmonic acid methyl ester on protein content and proteolytic activity of young maize seedlings. Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci. 57, 2, 75-80.
Fedina I. S., I.T. Grigorova, K. Georgieva (2003) - Response of barley seedlings to UV-B radiation as affected by NaCl. J. of Plant Physiology 160:205-208.
Georgieva K., I.S. Fedina, L.Maslenkova, V. Peeva (2003) - Responce of chlorina barley mutants to heat stress under low and high light. Functional Plant Biol. 30:515-524.

Angelova Y. M., Petkova S.G., Popova N.I., Stefanov B.J., Iliev L. K. (2002) - Influence of ABA and 4PU-30 on the growth, proteolytic activities and protein composition of maize seedlings. Biologia Plantarum 45 (1), pp. 33-37.
Nikolova, A., D. Nedeva, E. Ananiev (2002) - Izoenzyme patterns of shikimate dehydrogenase in developing and germinating wheat seeds. Annuaire d’Universite de Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Biochimie, Biophysique, Biologie moleculaire et Genetique, Microbiologie et Physiologie, vol. 95, livre 4, pp 97-104.
Fedina I. S., K. Georgieva, I. Grigorova (2002) - Light-dark changes of proline content in barley leaves under salt stress. Biologia Plantarum 45: 59-63.
Stoyanova Z., L. Simova-Stoilova, K. Demirevska-Kepova, E. Smilova (2002) - Effect of Cu and Mn toxicity on growth parameters and photosynthetic pigments of young barley plants. Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 55 (8): 83-88.
Simova-Stoilova L., K. Demirevska-Kepova, Z. Stoyanova, E. Smilova (2002) - Effect of Cu and Mn toxicity on leaf protein pattern and Rubisco quantity of young barley plants. Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 55 (9): 79-84.
Simova-Stoilova L., K. Demirevska-Kepova, Z. Stoyanova (2002) - Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase specific proteolytic activity in barley chloroplasts during dark induced senescence. Photosynthetica, 40 (4): 561-566.
Simova-Stoilova L., K. Demirevska-Kepova (2002) - Purification of Rubisco from higher plants and its immunochemical quantitation in leaf extracts. (Review). Recent Research Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Special Issue: Biotechnology and Bioengineering of CO2 fixation: 35-56.

N. Bakardjieva, B. Stefanov, N. Christova (2001) - Effect of calcium ions and 4-PU-30 cytokinin on the protein quantity and the activities of peroxidase, superoxide dismutase and catalase in etiolated maize coleoptiles. Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci. 54, 4, 85-88.
Simova-Stoilova L., Zl. Stoyanova, K. Demirevska-Kepova (2001) - Ontogenic changes in leaf pigments, total soluble protein and Rubisco in two barley varieties in relation to yield. Bulgarian J. Plant Physiol., 27 (1-2): 15-24.

A. Nikolova, D. Nedeva (2000) - Electrophoretic patterns of proteins, isolated from soybean seeds grown under conditions of some mineral deficiency and after different periods of storage. Bulg. J. Plant Physiol., 26 (1-2), 27-38.
Kovacheva, A. Nikolova, D. Nedeva, Ch. Christov (2000) - Influence of salicylic acid on the reproductive development of sunflower plants (Heliantus annuus L.). Proceedings of the 2nd Balkan Botanical Congress, Plants of the Balkan Peninsula in the Next Millenium, ed. N. Golukinrismi, Publishing Section Istanbul University, v. II, 97-101.
Fedina I. S. and K. Benderliev (2000) - Response of Scenedesmus incrassatulus to salt stress as affected by methyl jasmonate. Biologia Plantarum 43: 625-627, 2000.
Fedina I. S. and L. M. Dimova (2000) - Metyl jasmonate - induced polypeptide in Pisum sativum roots soluble proteins. Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg.Sci 10: 59-62.
Simova-Stoilova L., K. Demirevska-Kepova (2000) - Sensitive avidin-biotin test system for Rubisco specific proteolytic activity. Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 53 (5): 97-100.
Dolashka-Angelova P., A. A. Syed, K. Demirevska-Kepova, St. Stoeva, W. Voelter (2000) - Purification, characterization and termostability of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase from barley leaves. Z. Naturforsch., 55c: 611-619.
Simova-Stoilova L., K. Demirevska-Kepova, Zl. Stoyanova (2000) - Total and Rubisco specific proteolytic activity during dark induced senescence of barley seedlings. Bulg. J. Plant Physiol., 26 (1-2): 15-26.

Dolashka-Angelova P., Genova L., Stoeva S., Stefanov B., Angelova M., Hristova R., Pashova S., Voelter W. (1999) - Isolation and characterization of a novel superoxide dismutase from fungal strain Humicola lutea 110. Journal of Peptide Research 54 (4), pp. 279-289.
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