Секция Регулиране на растежа и развитието на растенията

Ръководител: Ст. н. с. II ст., д-р Георги Цв. Георгиев

Област на научни изследвания

Важни постижения

Организирани международни научни мероприятия

Първият международен симпозиум, проведен от Института, е организиран от секция РРРР (Международен симпозиум по стимулация на растенията 25-30.10.1966, София). Симпозиумите се провеждат редовно до 1995 г. (1975, 1981, 1986, 1995). Във всички организирани впоследствие от ИФР мероприятия (XI Конгрес на FSPP 1998, ESSA 2002, PISA 2006 и PISA 2008) учени от секцията са участвали активно като ръководители или членове на научните и организационни комитети.

Разработвани научни проекти

Национални проекти
От създаването на НФНИ (1990 г.) са финансирани повече от 15 проекта на учени от секцията. През последните години се работи по следните проекти:

Международни проекти
Сътрудници от секцията са ръководили и/или участвали в международни проекти (Белгия, Великобритания, Виетнам, Италия, Полша, Русия, САЩ, Тайван, Холандия, Чехия и др. по линия на междуакадемични и междуинститутски сътрудничества, по IV РП (“Коперникус”) и по проект с фирма Новартис).
През последните години са действащи проектите:


В секция 'Регулриане на растежа и развитието на растенията' работят 9 научни сътрудници, 9 специалисти с висше образование, 1 редовен докторант. Успешно са защитили 12 докторанти и повече от 35 дипломанти.

За контакт изберете (02)-979- и съответния вътрешен номер:

Име, титла
Вътрешен номер
Вера Алексиева, Ст. н. с. ІІ ст., д-р
2694 или 2693

Георги Цв. Георгиев, Ст. н. с. ІІ ст., д-р

3675 или 2690
Екатерина Стойнова, Ст. н. с. ІІ ст., д-р
3673 или 2193
Екатерина Зозикова, Ст. н. с. ІІ ст., д-р
2679 или 2602
Любомира Атанасова, Ст. н. с. ІІ ст., д-р
2678 или 2618
Петранка Йонова, Ст. н. с. ІІ ст., д-р
2616 или 2617
Искрен Сергиев, Ст. н. с. ІІ ст., д-р
Султана Димова, Н. с. І ст., д-р
2602 или 2617
Десислава Тодорова, Н. с. І ст., д-р
2676 или 2693
Емилия Коцева, Спец. биолог
Ирина Москова, Спец. биолог
Надежда Минчева, Спец. химик
Николина Попова, Спец. химик
Нина Георгиева, Спец. биолог
Петър Петров, Спец. биолог, д-р
Снежана Савова, Спец. биолог
Зорница Катерова, д-р
Мариета Шопова, Спец. биолог
Елена Иванова, Докторант

Selected Publications

Dimova E., P. Yonova, M. Dimitrova, Z. Mitrovska, D. Miteva, A. Kujumdzieva, S. Chankova (2008) - Different defense response depending on the genotype in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii against paraquat. Plant Biology (in press).
Dimova S., E. Velinova (2008) - Nontraditional development cycle and botanical aspects of Colchidum autamnale L. (autumn crocus). Plant Science, Sofia, Bulgaria (in press).
Georgieva M., P. Yordanova, A. Georgieva, G. Ts. Georgiev (2008) - In vitro screening of the cytotoxicity of biologically active substances isolated from the saprophyte mushroom Pleurotus osteratus (Fr.) Kumm., Plant Science, Sofia, Bulgaria, 45, 201-204.
Katerova Z., E. Prinsen (2008) - Alterations in indoleacetic acid, abscisic acid and aminocyclopropane carboxylic acid in pea plants after prolonged influence of low levels ultraviolet-B and ultraviolet-C radiations. General and Applied Plant Physiology – Special issue.
Katerova Z., E. Shopova, L. Brankova, S. Ivanov, E. Karanov (2008) - Alterations in antioxidant enzymes of pea plants in response to prolonged influence of short pulses ultraviolet-C radiations. Compt. rend. Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., 61(3), 335-340.
Katerova Z., S. Ivanov, E. Prinsen, H. Van Onckelen, V. Alexieva, A. Azmi (2008) - Low doses of ultraviolet-B or ultraviolet-C radiation affect ACC, ABA and IAA levels in young pea plants. Biologia plantarum, (in press).
Katerova Z., S. Ivanov, S. Mapelli (2008) - Prolonged low dose of ultraviolet-B radiation does not activate antioxidant defence in young pea plants. Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., 61(5), 615-620.
Katerova Z.I., D. Todorova, Endogenous polyamines lessen membrane damages in pea plants provoked by enhanced ultraviolet-C radiation. Plant Growth Regulation, (in press).
Lazova G., P. Yonova (2008) - Photosynthetic parameters were modified in wheat (Triticum aestivum) flag leaves by two novel phenylurea cytokinins. Plant Biology, (in press).
Lazova G., Yonova P. (2008) - Changes in the leaf polypeptide patterns of wheat flag leaves spraying with non-purine cytokinins. Acta Biologica Hungarica, 59 (4), 501-505.
Moskova I., D. Todorova, V. Alexieva, S. Ivanov, I. Sergiev (2008) - Effect of exogenous hydrogen peroxide on enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidants in leaves of young pea plants treated with paraquat. Plant Growth Regulation, 2008, DOI: 10.1007/s10725-008-9336-x, (in press).
Nenova V., M. Merakchijska, G. Ganeva, E. Zozikova, S. Landjeva (2008) - Physiolkogical responses of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Aegilops sharonensis introgression lines to excess copper. Journal of Agronomy qand Crop Science, (in press).
Stefanov D, Stoimenova E, Stoinova E. (2008) - Altered leaf anatomy in pepper caused by cucumber mosaic virus (cmv) induces higher leaf absorbance at 830 nm in inoculated leaves with different symptoms of cmv resistance. Plant Protection, 19: 78-81.
Stoyanova Z., E. Zozikova, Ch. Poschenrieder, J. Barcelo, S. Doncheva (2008) - The effect of silicon on the symptoms of manganese toxicity in maize plants. Acta Biol. Hung., 59(4), 479-487.
Stoynova-Bakalova E, Petrov PI, Gigova L. Baskin TI. (2008) - Effects of methyl jasmonate on cell growth and division of etiolated Cucurbita pepo (zucchini) cotyledon. Plant Biology, 10 (4):276-284.
Todorova, D., I. Moskova, I. Sergiev, V. Alexieva, S. Mapelli (2008) – Changes in endogenous polyamines and some stress markers content induced by drought, 4PU-30 and abscisic acid in wheat plants. In: Abiotic stress and plant responses. Nafees A. Khan, Sarvajeet Singh (Eds.), I. K. International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., ISBN 978-81-89866-95-2, Chapter 11, pp. 205-215.

Brankova, L., S. Ivanov, V. Alexieva (2007) - The induction of microsomal NADPH:cytochrome P450 and NADH:cytochrome b5 reductases by long-term salt treatment of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plants. Plant Physiol. Biochem., 45, 691-695.
Ganeva G., E. Zozikova (2007) - Effect of increasing Cu2+ concentrations on growth and content of free phenols in two lines of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) with different tolerance. Gen. Appl. Plant Physiology, 33(1-2), 75-82.
Krezhova, D. D., T. K. Yanev, I. Ts. Iliev, S. Ivanov, L. Brankova, V. Alexieva (2007) - Detection of herbicide contamination in plants through changes in leaf spectral reflectance and chlorophyll fluorescence, in: Abiotic Stress and Plant Responses, eds. Nafees A. Khan and S. Singh, I.K. International, New Delhi (in press).
Krezhova, D. D., T. K. Yanev, S. V. Ivanov, V. S. Alexieva (2007) - Remote sensing of the effect of the herbicide glyphosate on the leaf spectral reflectance of pea plants (Pisum sativum L.). Proceedings of the 26th Symposium of the Europian Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories,Warsaw, Poland, 29 May-2 June 2006 "New Developments and Challenges in Remote Sensing", Millpress, Rotterdam, pp. 45-52.
Lazova, G., P. Yonova, (2007) - Changes in the leaf polypeptide patterns of wheat flag leaves spraying with non-purine cytokinins. Acta Biologica Hungarica, 59, N 3 or 4.
Miteva, L., S. Ivanov (2007) - Alteration of ascorbate pool upon influence of oxidative stress inducing herbicides. Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 60 (8), 883-888.
Moskova, I., D. Todorova, V. Alexieva, I. Sergiev (2007) – Hydrogen peroxide pretreatment alleviates paraquat injuries in pea (Pisum sativum L.). Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci, 60 (10), 1101-1106.
Petrova, T., G. Ganeva, E. Zozikova, S. Landjeva, E. Kotseva (2007) - Frost resistance and changes in the content of free phenols in Bulgarian hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ) varieties. Genetics and Breeding,. 36 ,N 1-2, 35-41.
Sergiev, I., D. Todorova, M. Somleva, V. Alexieva, E. Karanov, E. Stanoeva, V. Lachkova, A. Smith, M. Hall (2007) – Influence of cytokinins and novel cytokinin antagonists on the senescence of detached leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. Biologia Plantarum, 51(2), 377-380.
Shu Hsien Hung, Chun Chi Wang, Sergei Veselinov Ivanov, Vera Alexieva, Chih Wen Yu (2007) - Repetition of hydrogen peroxide treatment induces a chilling tolerance comparable to cold acclimation in mung bean. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 132: 770-776.
Stoilkova G., P. Yonova (2007) - Protective effect of two synthetic compounds against chlorsulfuron injury in maize (Zea mays L.). Acta Agronomica Hungarica 55 (3), 283-292.
Stoynova-Bakalova, E., (2007) - Properties of plate meristem of growing epigeal cotyledons in an experimental system. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 59, 76-83.
Todorova, D., I. Sergiev, V. Alexieva, E. Karanov, A. Smith, M. Hall (2007) – Polyamine content in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh during recovery after low and high temperature treatments. Plant Growth Regulation, 51, 185-191.
Todorova, D., I. Vaseva, J. Malbeck, A. Trávníčková, I. Macháčková, E. Karanov (2007) - Cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase activity as a tool in gibberellic acid/cytokinin cross talk. Biol. Plant., 51(3), 579-583.
Vaseva, I., D. Todorova, J. Malbeck, A. Travnichkova, I. Machackova (2008) - Response of cytokinin pool and cytokinine oxidase/dehydrogenase activity to abscisic acid exhibits organ specificity in pea. Acta Physiol. Plant., (in press).

Bineva, Tz., D. Staneva, P. Yonova, I. Yordanova, N. Stoeva (2006) - Modification of the irradiation effect on oat plants during the vegetation period. J. Environm. Protection and Ecology, 7, No 1, 146-150.
Moskova, I. (2006) - Hydrogen peroxide – physiological function in plants. Plant Science, Sofia, Bulgaria, 3, 211-222 (Review).
Sergiev I., V. Alexieva, S. Ivanov, I. Moskova, E. Karanov (2006) - The phenilurea cytokinin 4PU-30 protects maize plants against glyphosate action. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 85, 139–146.
Stoynova-Bakalova EZh, Petrov PI. (2006) - Control by cytokinins of the cellular behaviour in the plate meristem of zucchini cotyledons. Planta 223 (6): 1256-1263.
Todorova D, Vaseva-Gemisheva I, Petrov P, Stoynova-Bakalova E, Alexieva V, Karanov E, Smith A, Hall M. (2006) - Cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase in wild and ethylene-insensitive mutant /eti5/ type of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh plants and the effect of cytokinin N1-(2-chloro-4-pyridyl)-N2-phenylurea on enzymatic activity and leaf morphology. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 28, 6 : 613-617.

Ivanov S., L. Miteva, V. Alexieva, Hr. Kurjin, E. Karanov (2005) - Alterations in some oxidative parameters in susceptible and resistant wheat plants infected with Puccinia recondita f.sp. tritici. J. Plant Physiol., 162: 275-279.
Ivanov, S. V., V. S. Alexieva, E. N. Karanov (2005) - Cumulative effect of low and high atrazine concentrations on Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh plants. Russian J. Plant Physiol., 52 (2), 213 – 219.
Todorova, D., T. Genkov, I. Vaseva-Gemisheva, V. Alexieva, E. Karanov, A. Smith, M. Hall (2005) - Effect of temperature stress on the endogenous cytokinin content in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh plants. Acta Physiol. Plant., 27 (1), 13-18.
Vaseva-Gemisheva I., D. Lee, E. Karanov (2005) - Response of cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase expression and specific activity to drought stress and herbicide treatments in pea leaves. Plant Growth Regul., 46 (3): 199-208.
Vaseva-Gemisheva, I., I. Sergiev, D. Todorova, V. Alexieva, E. Stanoeva, V. Lachkova, E. Karanov (2005) - Antagonistic effects of triazolo[4,5-d]pyrimidine and pyridylurea derivatives on cytokinin-induced cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase activity in young pea plants. Plant Growth Regul., 46 (3), 193-197.
Yonova, P. A., G. M., Stoilkova (2005) - Synthesis and biological activity of urea and thiourea derivatives from 2-aminoheterocyclic compounds. J. Plant Growth Regul., 23: 280-291.

Yonova, P., G. Stoilkova (2005) - Synthesis and plant growth regulating activity of pyridyl-imidazolidinone compounds. Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., 58, N5, 595-600.
Yonova, P., G. Stoilkova (2005) - Antisenescence effect of 2-pyridylureas with un- and cyclic- ureido groups. General and Applied Plant Physiology, 31, N 3-4, 197-214.

Alexieva, V., I. Sergiev, D. Todorova, E. Karanov, A. Smith, M. Hall (2004) - Effect of ethylene and its antagonist 1-MCP on the senescence of detached leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. Biol. Plant., 48 (4), 593-595.
Atanasova, L., M. Pissarska, G. Popov, G. Georgiev (2004) - Growth and endogenous cytokinins of juniper shoots as affected by high metal concentrations, Biol. Plant., 48 (1), 157-159.
Atanasova, L. (2004) - Cytokinins in wheat germ transfer RNA: determination by immunological methods, Physiol. Mol. Biol. Plants, 10, 203-208.
Bogoeva, V., M. Radeva, L. Atanasova, S. Stoitsova, R. Boteva (2004) - Fluorescence analysis of hormone binding activities of wheat germ agglutinin, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1698, 213-218.
Ivanov, S., L. Miteva, V. Alexieva, Hr. Kurjin, E. Karanov (2004) - Alterations in some oxidative parameters in susceptible and resistant wheat plants infected with Puccinia recondita f.sp. tritici. J. Plant Physiol., (in press).
Miteva, L., S. Ivanov, V. Alexieva, E. Karanov (2004) - Effect of atrazine on glutathione levels, glutathione-S-transferase and glutathione reductase activities in pea and wheat plants. Plant Protect. Sci., 40(1), 16-20.
Parvanova, D., S. Ivanov, T. Konstantinova, E. Karanov, A. Atanassov, T. Tsvetkov, V. Alexieva, D. Djilianov (2004) - Transgenic tobacco plants accumulating osmolytes show reduced oxidative damage under freezing stress, Plant Physiol. Biochem., 42, 57-63.
Stoynova-Bakalova, E., P. Petrov, E. Karanov, M. Hall (2004) - Cell division and cell expansion in cotyledons of Arabidopsis seedlings. New Phytol., 162, 471-479.
Vaseva-Gemisheva, I., D. Lee, V. Alexieva, E. Karanov (2004) - Cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase in Pisum sativum plants during vegetative development. Influence of UV-B irradiation and high temperature on enzymatic activity, Plant Growth Regul., 42(1), 1-5.

Atanasova, L., D. Stefanov, I. Yordanov, K. Kornova, L. Kavardzikov (2003) - Comparative characteristics of growth and photosynthesis of sun and shade leaves from normal and pendulum walnut (Juglans regia L.) trees, Photosynthetica 41 (2), 289-292.
Sergiev, I., D. Todorova, V. Alexieva, E. Karanov, A. Smith, M. Hall (2003) - Rosette leaf senescence in wild type and ethylene-insensitive mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh during inflorescence and fruit development. In: Phytohormones in plant biotechnology and agriculture, Ed. by I. Machackova, G. Romanov, Kluwer Acad. Publ., The Netherlands, 217-228.
Stoynova-Bakalova, E., T. Toncheva-Panova (2003) - Subcellular adaptation to salinity and irradiance in Dunaliella salina. Biol.Plant., 47, 233-236.
Todorov, D., E. Karanov, A. Smith, M. Hall (2003) - Chlorophyllase activity and chlorophyll content in wild and eti5 mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana subjected to low and high temperatures. Biol. Plant. 46, 125-127.
Yordanova, R., V. Alexieva, L. Popova (2003) - Influence of root oxygen deficiency on photosynthesis and antioxidants in barley plants. Russ. J. Plant Physiol., 50, 2, 163-167.

Ananieva, E., V. Alexieva, L. Popova (2002) - Treatment with salicylic acid decreases the effects of parquat on photosynthesis. J. Plant Physiol., 159, 685-693.
Angelova, Y., S. Petkova, N. Popova, B. Stefanov, L. Iliev (2002) - Influence of ABA and 4PU-30 on the growth, proteolytic activities and protein composition of maize seedlings. Biol. Plant., 45(1), 33-37.
Stoynova-Bakalova, E., P. Petrov, H. Tsukaya (2002) - Cell division and cell enlargement in isolated Cucurbita cotyledons grown in darkness and in light. J. Plant Res., 115, 375-380.

Alexieva, V., I. Sergiev, S. Mapelli, E. Karanov (2001) - The effect of drought and ultraviolet radiation on growth and stress markers in pea and wheat. Plant, Cell & Environ., 24, 1337-1344.
Atanasova, L., D. Stefanov, M. Pissarska, D. Moskova, C. Christov, K. Kornova, L. Kavardzikov (2001) - Physiological studies of walnut trees, normal and pendulous type of growth. In: Plants of the Balkan Peninsula: into the next Millennium. Ed. by N. Gozukirmizi. Istanbul University, Turkey, (Proceedings of the 2nd Balkan Botanical Congress held at Istanbul, 14-18 May 2000) vol. II, 33-38.
Atanasova, L., L. Iliev (2001) - Growth and endogenous cytokinins in tobacco callus as affected by N-(2-chloro-4-pyridil)-N’-phenylurea. Biol. Plant., 44, 451-453.
Chankova, S., G. Jovtchev, S. Gateva, P. Yonova, A. Mehandjiev, V. Shevchenko (2001) - Protecting effect of newly synthesized urea and thiourea derivatives on different test-systems. J. Environm. Protection and Ecology, 2(3), 694-703.
Christov, C., I. Pouneva, M. Bozhcova, E. Ananieva (2001) - Abscisic acid and cell cycle in unicellular green algae. In: Plants of the Balkan Peninsula: into the next Millennium. Ed. by N. Gozukirmizi. Istanbul University, Turkey, (Proceedings of the 2nd Balkan Botanical Congress held at Istanbul, 14-18 May 2000) vol. II, 61-66.
Christov, C., I. Pouneva, M. Bozhcova, T. Toncheva, S. Fournadzieva, T. Zafirova (2001) - Influence of temperature and methyl jasmonate on Scenedesmus incrassatulus. Biol. Plant., 44, 3, 367-371.
Stoynova-Bakalova, E., P. Petrov, E. Karanov (2001) - Effects of benzylaminopurine and abscisic acid on distribution of rRNA in the palisade cells of excised Cucurbita pepo cotyledons. Biol. Plant., 44, 355-360.

Секции:|Алгология|Мин. хранене|Мол. биол. на стреса|Регул. на растежа|Фотосинтеза|